Scalp Micropigmentation in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

At Hair by Dr. Max Restoration Center in Fort Lauderdale, FL, we aim to help patients achieve their hair restoration goals through custom-tailored treatments. We offer a treatment for hair loss called scalp micropigmentation. SMP has become a popular solution for those experiencing hair loss because it’s non-invasive and allows patients to restore the appearance of natural hair follicles.

What Is Scalp Micropigmentation?

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment in which we use a process similar to eyebrow microblading to create the illusion of tiny hair follicles where the hair has thinned, receded, or ceased growing. The result is the appearance of a thicker head of hair. However, unlike a microblading treatment, the goal is not to create the illusion of hair-like strands but instead tiny layered dots that mimic the appearance of a shadow when a shaved head begins to regrow hair.

This treatment is also known as hair tattooing and is a style of micropigmentation similar to pointillism, a type of art defined by tiny colored dots that requires the viewer to blend those dots with their eyes to see the uniform image. After undergoing treatment with this artistic technique, patients can expect natural-looking results, improved hair depth, and visible definition.

Your Pre-Treatment Consultation

At your pre-treatment consultation, we’ll meet with you to evaluate the areas that you want to treat, discuss your questions and concerns, and then develop the right treatment plan to help you achieve the best outcome.

Scheduling Your Sessions

Once we confirm your treatment eligibility, we’ll schedule your treatments in advance, depending on your needs and treatment plan. Each session takes approximately two to three hours, and you’ll need to wait at least ten days between each. Of the two to three treatments necessary, the third is often optional, depending on each patient and their desired results. We’ll work around your availability when scheduling the sessions to ensure you have the best treatment experience.

Your First Session

When you arrive for your session, we’ll prepare the treatment area for the scalp micropigmentation process and work with you to create the perfect hairline. We’ll discuss the style you’re looking for and then begin the session.

During the process, our technician will use a specialized device similar to a tattoo needle to deposit pigmented dots directly onto the predetermined areas of the scalp. These cosmetic-grade pigments are safe, and you won’t need pre-treatment anesthesia or have to worry about any reactions after your treatment.

Your Second and Third Sessions

When you come in for your second and third sessions, our goal will be to increase your replicated hair density to continuously add to the appearance of fullness and eliminate any evidence of visible hair loss. The main focus of the sessions will be to blend the areas of micropigmentation with your natural hair to ensure the most natural-looking results. During these treatments, we can make minor adjustments to your hairline as needed.

Enjoying Your Results

You can enjoy immediate results as soon as your first treatment is over. You’ll see the improvements in the appearance of those areas where you’ve noticed a receding hairline or thinning hair.

To see just how dramatic a change this treatment can make in the appearance of your hair and scalp, we recommend that patients take a pre-treatment photo to compare it with a photo taken immediately following the treatment to see the dramatic difference in their before and afters.

Why It's Effective

SMP is so effective as a treatment for hair loss because it doesn’t provide patients with any false claims about curing hair loss but instead provides an affordable solution that can naturally promote fuller and denser-looking hair. Aside from treating a receding hairline, the treatment can also cover any imperfections and scars on the scalp resulting from past hair restoration or transplant methods.

Patients can expect the best results after just a few simple treatments. There’s no significant social downtime, the healing process is quick, and the results will last for years.

How Does This Treatment for Hair Loss Work?

Patients interested in SMP must begin the process with an initial consultation. Then, we’ll move forward with scheduling your sessions, preparing you for your treatment, and getting you one step closer to experiencing all the immediate results of a scalp micropigmentation treatment plan.

Am I a Good Candidate?

The best candidates for this treatment are patients looking for an affordable solution for hair loss that doesn’t use chemicals or cause any side effects but delivers noticeable and long-lasting results. Patients who have experienced hair loss due to the most common factors, including alopecia, aging, cancer, thinning hair, or male or female pattern baldness, make good candidates.


Patients should have realistic expectations about the treatment and understand that scalp micropigmentation is a treatment for hair loss that will create the illusion of improved hair density but will still feel the same as a bald head. It won’t promote hair growth, but it will reverse the visual effects of hair loss, hair thinning, balding, and receding hairline. Treatments will require minor touch-ups over time to ensure the longevity of results.

Restore Natural-Looking Hair Without Surgery

If you can’t or don’t want to commit to surgery to address thinning hair, balding, or a receding hairline, SMP can help reverse the appearance of hair loss so you can enjoy long-term results. If you want to learn more about this unique treatment, how it works, and whether it’s right for you, we can give you details and schedule your pre-treatment consultation.

Have A Question?

Schedule a consultation

To arrange a personalized consultation with our esteemed physicians, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (954)-945-2909. During this confidential discussion, we will offer a comprehensive evaluation of your situation and provide expert guidance tailored to your needs.”
